Voor de geïnteresseerden - en vooral diegenen die een trip naar Massachusetts wel zien zitten - volgt hier een call for papers voor het symposium dat het National Heritage Museum van de Aloude en Aangenomen Schotse Ritus - Noordelijke Jurisdictie, Verenigde Staten volgend jaar april wil organiseren.
The Scottish Rite Masonic
Museum & Library announces a call for papers for
its symposium, “Perspectives on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism,” to be
held on Friday, April 11, 2014, at the Museum in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library is an American history museum
founded and supported by Scottish Rite Freemasons in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of
the United States. As the repository of one of the largest collections of
American Masonic and fraternal objects, books and manuscripts in the United
States, the Museum aims to foster new research on American fraternalism and to
encourage the use of its scholarly resources.
symposium seeks to present the newest research on American fraternal groups
from the past through the present day. By 1900, over 250 American fraternal
groups existed, numbering six million members. The study of their activities
and influence in the United States, past and present, offers the potential for
new interpretations of American society and culture. Diverse perspectives on
this topic are sought; proposals are invited from a broad range of research
areas, including history, material and visual culture, anthropology, sociology,
literary studies and criticism, gender studies, political science, African
American studies, art history, economics, or any combination of disciplines.
Perspectives on and interpretations of all time periods are welcome.
topics include:
Comparative studies of American fraternalism and European or other
international forms of fraternalism
Prince Hall Freemasonry and other African-American fraternal groups
Ethnically- and religiously-based fraternal groups
Fraternal groups for women or teens
Role of fraternal groups in social movements
The material culture of Freemasonry and fraternalism
Anti-Masonry and anti-fraternal movements, issues and groups
Fraternal symbolism and ritual
The expression of Freemasonry and fraternalism through art, music, and
Approaches to Freemasonry – from disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or
transnational perspectives; the historiography and methodology of the study of
American fraternalism
should be for 30 minute research papers; the day’s schedule will allow for
audience questions and feedback.
Format: Submit an abstract of 400 words or less with a resume or c.v. that is
no more than two pages. Be sure to include full contact information (name,
address, email, phone, affiliation).
proposals to: Aimee E. Newell, Ph.D., Director of Collections, Scottish Rite
Masonic Museum & Library, by email at anewell[at]monh.org or by mail to 33
Marrett Road, Lexington, MA 02421. Deadline for proposals to be received is September
3, 2013.
more information about the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, see www.nationalheritagemuseum.org.
For questions, contact Aimee E. Newell as above, or call 781-457-4144.
Dit is mijn getuigenis over hoe ik uiteindelijk lid werd van de nieuwe wereldorde, Illuminati, nadat ik nu al meer dan 2 jaar probeerde lid te worden, maar oplichters meerdere keren geld van mij afpakten. Ik ben al zo lang op zoek om me bij de Illuminati aan te sluiten, maar oplichters blijven mijn geld afpakken tot begin dit jaar, toen ik Lord Felix Morgan online ontmoette. Ik nam contact met hem op en ik legde hem alles uit en hij adviseerde de gebruikte registratie en ik betaalde voor de groot lid om mij op weg te helpen en ik werd ingewijd in de Wereldorde en ik ontvang de som van $ 1.000.000 dollar nadat mijn initiatie was voltooid. Ik ben erg blij! En beloof het goede werk van Lord Felix Morgan te verspreiden. Als je geïnteresseerd bent om vandaag nog lid te worden van de nieuwe wereldorde Illuminati, neem dan vandaag nog contact op met Lord Felix Morgan. Hij is je beste kans om lid te worden van de Illuminati waar je altijd naar verlangt. Neem contact op met Lord Felix Morgan E-mail: Illuminatiofficial565@gmail.com of WhatsApp +2348055459757